Senate to debate COVID-19 bill, police reform
Amber Coakley
OAN Newsroom – One America News Network
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:46 PM PT — Monday, July 27, 2020
Negotiations are set to begin in the Senate after Republicans release their phase four coronavirus relief package.
While the Senate hopes to strike a deal before they break for recess on August 7, Democrat leaders are warning senators to keep their travel plans “flexible.”
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has said a key element in the new proposal is a revision of the emergency unemployment benefits.
“So we knew the only thing we could do at that point was pick one number across the board and we realized that for certain people that would be too much,” he explained. “…For certain people that would be too little.”
“So people shouldn’t focus on the number right now,” Mnuchin continued. “What people should focus on this is intended to be wage replacement, so we’re focused on the percentage which is about 70%.”
Also on the schedule this week is a motion to finish debate on the Justice Act, which is a Republicans bill for long-term solutions regarding police reform.
The Senate will also consider adopting a House bill to introduce a tax credit for veterans with children.
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