Secy. Mnuchin discusses unemployment benefits for future stimulus
Shanon Peckham
OAN Newsroom – One America News Network
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 3:10 PM PT — Sunday, July 26, 2020
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin recently weighed in on the upcoming coronavirus stimulus bill. On Sunday, he spoke with reporters regarding his ideas for wage replacement, which would compensate those out of work amid the pandemic.
He urged lawmakers to take time to think through the next steps and not rush the new relief measure.
The secretary also pointed out it wouldn’t be fair to use taxpayer dollars to pay people more to sit at home than they would make working.
“It was a technical problem where we were in an emergency last time, so we instituted this quickly,” stated Mnuchin. “In certain cases, people were paid more to stay home.”
Despite ongoing disagreements across the aisle, Mnuchin is optimistic a deal could be reached in the House to pass a version of the Senate’s proposal.
RELATED: Officials Detail Upcoming Stimulus Bill
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