ViacomCBS Ignored Nick Cannon Arguing For Whites’ ‘Genetic Inferiority’
Elizabeth Vaughn
The Federalist
Does a remark have to be uttered by a white person for it to be considered racist?
During a June 30 episode of his popular podcast “Cannon’s Class,” Nick Cannon interviewed Richard Griffin, who was known as Professor Griff while with rap group Public Enemy. After making antisemitic comments to the press, Griffin was dismissed from the band in 1989. He joined Cannon to discuss his ouster.
During their discussion, both men made antisemitic remarks. “You’re speaking facts,” Cannon said. “There’s no reason to be scared of anything when you’re speaking the truth.” He referred to Griffin as a “legend” and considered it a “shame” that Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan “had been silenced on Facebook.”
Griffin declared that the six main media outlets in the United States were “controlled by Jewish people.” Cannon equated their power to that of the Rothschilds, the wealthy Jewish banking family who are often the target of antisemitic conspiracy theories.
Cannon declared that blacks are the “true Hebrews. It’s never hate speech, you can’t be antisemitic when we are the Semitic people. When we are the same people who they want to be. That’s our birthright. We are the true Hebrews.”
A ViacomCBS spokeswoman issued the following statement to announce Cannon’s termination:
We have spoken with Nick Cannon about an episode of his podcast ‘Cannon’s Class’ on YouTube, which promoted hateful speech and spread anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. While we support ongoing education and dialogue in the fight against bigotry, we are deeply troubled that Nick has failed to acknowledge or apologize for perpetuating anti-Semitism, and we are terminating our relationship with him.
Fox News has announced that Cannon will continue as host of the network’s competition series, “The Masked Singer.” Fox issued a statement which said: “When we were made aware of Nick Cannon’s interview with Richard Griffin on YouTube, we immediately began a dialogue with Nick. He is clear and remorseful that his words were wrong and lacked both understanding and context, and inadvertently promoted hate. This was important for us to observe. Nick has sincerely apologized, and quickly taken steps to educate himself and make amends.”
Certainly, we can all understand ViacomCBS’ decision. But why does their statement exclude any mention of Cannon’s equally egregious remarks about the “genetic inferiority” of whites?
In the clip below, Cannon discusses “the power of melanated people.” White people fear black people because “of the lack that they have of it [melanin],” he says. He believes melanin gives blacks their soul and compassion. Cannon tells Griffin:
The people that don’t have it – and I’m going to say this carefully – are a little less…and, and, and…cause I’m bringing it all the way around to Minister Farrakhan, to where they may not have the compassion or the, when they were sent to the mountains of Caucasus, when they didn’t have the power of the sun, the sun then started to deteriorate them, so then they’re acting out of fear, they’re acting out of low self-esteem, they’re acting out of a deficiency. So, therefore, the only way they can act is evil…They have to rob, steal, rape, kill, fight in order to survive.
So, then these people who didn’t have what we had – when I say we, I am speaking of the melanated people – they had to be savages. They had to be barbaric. They’re in these Nordic mountains, they’re in this rough terrential [sic] environment.
And so, they’re acting as animals. So, they’re the ones that are actually closer to animals. They’re the ones that are actually the true savages. And then they built up such this, this – I want to say warrior – but they built up such this, this conquering barbaric mentality.
Yikes… Nick Cannon has gone full black supremacist.
This is 100% certified racist. ??♂️ https://t.co/rGgVATPvNk
— ZUBY: (@ZubyMusic) July 14, 2020
Cannon’s comments are so blatantly racist that even rap star Zuby calls him out as the “black supremacist” that he surely is. Zuby wrote, “Yikes… Nick Cannon has gone full black supremacist. This is 100% certified racist.”
Later, Zuby tweeted a GIF of a powerful black man with the caption, “Me learning that my melanin doesn’t just protect me from sunburn, but also grants me psychic powers, heightened compassion, and a neural connection to all other melanated beings…”
We all get why Cannon’s antisemitic remarks were unacceptable, but why has he been given a pass for his truly extraordinary statements about whites? Because, as identity politics leftists everywhere will tell you, racism against white people is impossible.
In the nearly two months since former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin pressed his knee into George Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes, Black Lives Matter has promoted the narrative that white people are evil, and all is fair in the war against the white man. Cannon’s just plain stupid comments about whites being “genetically inferior” and “closer to animals” than blacks would have been front-page news if they had been uttered by a white person about blacks.
Similarly, racist comments made by non-white people have been routinely ignored by the mainstream media. The case of Sarah Jeong, a young journalist hired by The New York Times editorial board two years ago, comes to mind. The paper of record offered the following response to the internet frenzy that ensued when Jeong’s Twitter history was made public.
Our statement in response to criticism of the hiring of Sarah Jeong. pic.twitter.com/WryIgbaoqg
— NYTimes Communications (@NYTimesPR) August 2, 2018
For those few who may have missed it, here is a sampling of Jeong’s tweets:
Are these racist?
These are tweets by Sarah Jeong who was just hired to the NYT editorial board. pic.twitter.com/B3P7ay8QNR— Armin Navabi (@ArminNavabi) August 2, 2018
In February, a black University of Virginia student stood up at the newly opened campus diversity center to announce that she was uncomfortable because there were “too many white people around her.” She told the white students, “Frankly, there’s the whole university for a lot of y’all to be at, and there’s very few spaces for us, so keep that in mind.”
Journalist Andy Ngo shares a clip of this young woman’s “PSA” in the tweet below.
Person at @UVA makes an “announcement” that she is uncomfortable that there are too many white people around her. She asks white people to go elsewhere. pic.twitter.com/jCct7n4MYL
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) February 12, 2020
In response, Spencer Brown, a spokesman for the Young America’s Foundation, rightly pointed out that “treating people differently based on the color of their skin is wrong.” Brown asked how it could be called a diversity center “when members of their community push for segregation based on skin color. The entirety of the UVA campus is open to everyone.”
Another example of this same phenomenon occurred last month when an estimated 60,000 protestors gathered in Seattle’s Judkins Park to participate in a Black Lives Matter Silent March to receive their “marching orders.” The organizers reminded everyone to respect the “line-up” they had determined in advance. This can be viewed on the group’s website.
March Order:
We ask that all march participants respect the following order of procession. We want to ensure this is a Black led march, but we encourage everyone to march with their family and loved ones.
Black Lives Matter Seattle-King County
Black youth
Black community
People of Color
Elected and appointed officials, political candidates
White allies
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the “March Order” is segregated by race: Blacks first, followed by people of color — Asian-Americans and Hispanics — and finally their “white allies.” Well, at least whites came before “bikes.”
The separation of participants by race is, well, racist. It seems to me that the organization’s objective is not equality, but superiority.
Cannon’s remarks to Griffin, Jeong’s offensive tweets about white men, the UVA student’s request that her white peers leave the Diversity Center, and the marching order for the Black Lives Matter Silent March all meet the definition of racism. Sadly, these four examples merely scratch the surface. Yet corporate media remains silent. If any of these scenarios were reversed, they would cause a white person to be fired, canceled, or even attacked.
Not only is racism against white people not impossible, it sits at the very core of America’s current cultural revolution. And we need to have a national conversation about it.
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