Minneapolis Mayor Kicked Out Of Protest For Refusing To Defund Police
Tristan Justice
The Federalist
Democratic Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey was escorted out of a protest in his own city Saturday after refusing to endorse the complete abolition of the police force.
After professing his “coming to grips with” his “own brokeness” for the sin of being white while standing in the middle of thousands of protestors, the demonstration’s leaders asked Frey whether he would promise on the spot to disband Minneapolis law enforcement protecting nearly half a million residents.
“Jacob Frey, we have a yes or no question for you. Yes or no, will you commit to defunding Minneapolis police department?” asked one woman half-wearing a “defund police” face mask. “We don’t want no more police! Is that clear! We don’t want people with guns toting around in our communities, shooting us down. You have an answer, it is a yes or a no!”
The movement’s hysteric leader proceeded to hush the crowd so the mayor’s answer could be heard across the streets so they could vote him out next year if he bowed to their anarchic demands.
“I do not support the full abolition of police,” Frey said, whose words prompted a swift removal from the demonstration.
Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey showed up today at the protests. He was asked if he would commit to abolishing/defunding the police. Incredible to witness crowd hold him directly accountable. Man did a literal walk of shame. pic.twitter.com/v645mfIZHt
— Sana Saeed (@SanaSaeed) June 6, 2020
“Go home,” protesters yell at Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey because he said he doesn’t want to defund the police
pic.twitter.com/00MIM60P5L— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 6, 2020
The extreme demands to “Defund Police” however radical, have now become a hallmark of the contemporary Black Lives Matter movement that his picked up steam among left-wing elites.
Protestors in Washington D.C. are painting the new mantra of today’s Black Lives Matter movement on the streets as of this writing.
Black Lives Matter organizers are painting “Defund the Police” in yellow paint on 16th Street right now pic.twitter.com/62zFMPXXOo
— Samantha Schmidt (@schmidtsam7) June 7, 2020
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