Ore. churches sue Gov. Kate Brown over extended stay-at-home orders
Shanon Peckham
OAN Newsroom – One America News Network

FILE – In this July 1, 2019, file photo, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown speaks with the media at the Capitol in Salem, Ore. (AP Photo/Sarah Zimmerman, File)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 2:23 PM PT — Friday, May 8, 2020
Oregon churches have filed a lawsuit against Governor Kate Brown, claiming social distancing orders infringed on their religious liberty. According to reports, 10 places of worship across the state are calling for a restraining order against ongoing restrictions that ban in-person services.
This came after the Democrat governor moved to allow gatherings of up to 25 people on Thursday.
However, church leaders argued this was not enough, especially for those with hundreds of regular attendees. The group’s lawyer has said Oregonians are tired of their constitutional rights being trampled on.
“Churches and church goers are not willing to let constitutionally protected religious rights be infringed upon indefinitely,” stated attorney Ray Hacke. “We’re hoping that they will be invalidated and that she will be enjoined from enforcing them.”
He went on to say Governor Brown failed to get proper approval from the state’s legislature to extend the stay-at-home order past 30 days.
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