Warren Led On Bloomberg’s NDAs. Now She’s Letting Biden Go.
Tristan Justice
The Federalist
It was less than three months ago that Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren led the charge to unveil records related to presidential rival and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s allegations of sexual harassment in the workplace. Now, she’s gone silent on records regarding charges of sexual misconducted lodged at the man who could put her on the ticket this fall.
“I’d like to talk more about who we’re running against,” Warren lashed out at the billionaire businessman on the Las Vegas Debate stage. “A billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians. I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.”
Elizabeth Warren calls out Michael Bloomberg for signing NDAs with former female employees of his who said they felt uncomfortable in the workplace.#DemDebate pic.twitter.com/07xMMq4Vki
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) February 20, 2020
Warren went on to accuse Bloomberg of “muzzling” women from sharing their stories by mandating non-disclosure agreements with employees and challenged the former mayor before a live primetime national audience to release the women from any such agreements on stage.
“What we need to know is exactly what’s lurking out there. He has gotten some number of women, dozens, who knows, to sign non-disclosure agreements both for sexual harassment and gender discrimination in the workplace,” Warren said. “So Mr. Mayor, are you willing to release all of those women from those non-disclosure agreements so we can hear their side of the story?”
Bloomberg offered a cold response one could expect from the stereotype of a sleezy New York billionaire.
“We had a very few non-disclosure agreements,” Bloomberg said. “None of them accused me of doing anything other than maybe they didn’t like a joke I told. They’re agreements between two parties that wanted to keep it quiet and that’s up to them. They signed those agreements and we’ll live with it.”
Warren of course, didn’t let the issue go.
“When you say they signed [NDAs] and they wanted them, if they wish now to speak out and tell their side of the story about what it is they alleged that’s now okay with you? You’re releasing them now on television tonight?
Bloomberg declined to void the agreements that night but he did release them just two days later.
“I’ve had the company go back over its records and they’ve identified three NDAs that we signed over the past 30-plus years with women to address complaints about comments they said I had made,” Bloomberg said in a statement. “If any of them want to be released from their NDA so that they can talk about those allegations, they should contact the company and they’ll be given release.”
Fast-forward to May, and Warren’s advocacy for women has gone missing. On Monday, Warren called former Vice President Joe Biden’s defense on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” last week “credible and convincing” where Biden said he would refuse to even allow a search of his accuser’s name in his Senate records under seal at the University of Delaware.
In March, former Biden staff assistant Tara Reade came public with rape allegations accusing the Delaware senator in 1993 of forcibly kissing and penetrating her with his fingers in a congressional hallway. Reade said she approached close friends and family members with her claims of misconduct – several of whom have come forward to corroborate Reade’s timeline of events – and filed a formal complaint with Biden’s Senate office over the alleged incident that she argues ultimately led to her termination on Capitol Hill.
Biden denies the episode ever occurred and several former Senate staffers said they had no knowledge of any compliant filed by Reade. If such a complaint did exist, the paperwork would likely be located in Biden’s files found at either the National Archives that have been made public or the University of Delaware which will remain under lock and key until two years after Biden leaves public life.
Warren’s prior advocacy to unveil records related to allegations of misconduct would leave one to believe she would do the same for Reade, who’s accusations up to this point have shown to be far more credible than anything ever lodged against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh throughout his confirmation proceedings just a year and a half ago. In fact, Warren called for a full-blown FBI investigation into unsubstantiated accusations from three women whose claims were never corroborated, one of whom, Julie Swetnick, was represented by creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti, who was found guilty of extortion in a separate case earlier this year. Both were also referred to the Justice Department by Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin for possible crimes.
The events described by Julie Swetnick, Ms. Ramirez & Dr. Ford are absolutely heart-wrenching. The idea that the Senate would continue this confirmation process without an FBI investigation is even more revolting.
@realDonaldTrump must withdraw Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) September 26, 2018
The FBI investigation ultimately exonerated Kavanaugh of any past misconduct. Yet one year later, Warren doesn’t seem to care and called for the Supreme Court justice’s impeachment on the anniversary of his primary accuser’s testimony, Christine Blasey Ford who could never prove the two had even ever met.
I still believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. And like the man who appointed him, Brett Kavanaugh should be impeached.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) September 28, 2019
In case Warren’s hypocrisy couldn’t be more clear, Reade told The Hill’s “Rising” she had approached the Massachusetts senator before bringing her claims public but was ignored by the supposed champion for women.
“I never received a response.”
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